I've finally organized my posts on our family's attempt to live the liturgical year more fully in our home. Some links have lots of detail and others just have a picture or two that may be helpful to someone. I hope it is!
Our {current} Family Prayer Routine
Through the Year

One Day Less - An Advent Resolution
(For the whole series, please click on the "One Day Less" label in the right sidebar.)
An Intentional Advent - And You're Invited!
Christmas Eve at Our House
Christmas Day Recap 2011
(A few of our little traditions)
Family Christmas Gifts 2013
(A tiny bit about how we do gifts at our home)
Simple Homemade Gifts
Intentional Lent
(Lent Plans 2013)
Palm Sundaes for Palm Sunday
Sweet Jesus, I Forgot.
(A Good Friday Reflection)
Easter Morning 2012
(Just a few shots of our traditions...)
A Strawberry Shortcake Recipe for Divine Mercy Sunday
A Simple Divine Mercy Cake
Spirit Gifts (even when we struggle)
A Cake for Pentecost Sunday
And Another Pentecost Cake Example
The Rest By Month:
Epiphany House Blessing
About That Star
(an Epiphany reflection)
Celebrating Saint John Bosco
Clown of God Pancakes
(for Saint John Bosco)
About That Star
(an Epiphany reflection)
Celebrating Saint John Bosco
Clown of God Pancakes
(for Saint John Bosco)
Praying to St. Brigid for Our Babies
A Pantry Foraged Valentine Treat
A Chair of St. Peter for the Chair of St. Peter
Popcorn for Mary
(for Annunciation)
Celebrating the Annunciation with Popcorn, Stromboli, and Dessert
Egg in the Hole for the Annunciation
An Easy and Slightly Underwhelming Meal for Saint Anthony
A Simple Snack for the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts
(and our little Carmelite baby's birthday!)
Blueberry Pie for the Assumption
(and other thoughts, too)
Blueberry Peach Parfaits for the Coronation
Crowning Our Lady for the Coronation
A Polish Feast and Papal Creme Cake for the first Feast of Blessed John Paul II
Celebrating the Feast of Blessed John Paul II - Papal Creme Cake Recipe
(And Pictures of my amazing Polish pizzas here :)
The All Saints' Day Scavenger Hunt
Our 2015 Saints
Our 2014 Cast of Saints
Our Cast of Saints - 2013
All Saints' Day Party Games and Costumes (2012)
"Fishing" for St. Andrew's Day
Turkey Pot Pie for the Solemnity of Christ the King