Super Official Five Month Peter Pics

I couldn't help myself. 

I opened up one of Peter's gifts from Grandma early because JUST LOOK AT HIM. I had to. (Plus, he really legit needed clothes that fit. One of my favorite lines is "well, at least you have the clothes." Do you even know what little boys do to clothes? I mean, the babies aren't that hard on them but after use in triplicate or so, even those get shot.) So I had to open it up (it's this one in case you're wondering and want your kid to look just as freakin' cute). And then I had to get pictures. And then I realized he was five months old so...super official five-month-old pics made. (And yes, I know...blurry, non-professional, etc. but they happened and right now that's a win.)
We eat him on the daily.

Cannot even.

Silly little elf baby.


 Heh. Deflated baby is done.

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  1. Each one made me smaile....give him hugs and kisses from his Oregon peeps!

  2. He is so adorable, silly and happy!! And that outfit!!! Oh my goodness! I can see why you'd couldn't resist grabbing the camera! I sure would love one of these to add to our photo shelf...hint hint


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