Finishing Well

Day 22

"Let us not take "more to do" as an excuse for impatience but as a challenge and an invitation to love beyond all telling into more doing, more desiring, more aching for past failures.  We do not take the increasing momentum of these days of Advent, and their demands, as an excuse for being late, but rather as an invitation to come faster.  Let us bear Jesus in our hearts, with love beyond all telling."
-Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C.

I think Mother knows me well.  Today, I want to bear Jesus to those I see at Mass, to my husband, to my children with less excuses.  There is lots to do, yes, but I can take that as a challenge rather than use it as my excuse.  Things will not really be done that much better or faster if I lose my temper or huff around in an Advent fury.  They'll just be done with less joy and with defeat and frustration.  I can get it all done drill sergeant style or I can get it done with joy and patience and love.  How sad if I were to let these last days of Advent, these last days of preparing for Him, undo the work that He has done thus far.  I can let them be times of grace or times of stress and fear of disapproval.  I think my family would appreciate the former.  I can use all the things to do as an excuse to keep me from prayer or I can choose to make prayer my priority and even use them as a prayer.  May these final days before His coming not be ones of excuses but ones of finishing well, of allowing Him to complete whatever work He has begun in us.  

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