2013 in Photos and Posts

Asking me to choose my favorite posts and photos is tantamount to torture in my book.  Like going to a mall.  I can't make a decision, people!  So here's my year in review - an attempt at choosing my personal favorite posts and photos for each month of 2013:


Also known as that month I thought you might care about my mediocre Sunday attire selections.


I Should Really Clean My Tub More

I don't know why but the pictures I took of the eggs really make me happy :)



(told you I couldn't pick...)



in which I go through my goth phase...

Turns Out I'm Going to Die

Seven Quick Rules for My Funeral

...also the month of lackluster photography.  This is the best I got...

...the month of many words...



Emmanuel in the Darkness

The One Who Hates Advent Most

The most visited post from the year was by far
The Kitchen Project - Painting the Cabinets and My Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Experience
thanks to Pinterest.  I really hope the post is helping people and they're learning from my mistakes!  I should probably get a better kitchen shot up there, shouldn't I?

The post with the most comments (after subtracting my own and not counting giveaways because those don't count :)  and which I found quite surprising and totally random was
A Lesson in Pumpkin Economics with an Alpaca Bonus
Sarah's Virtual (TWIN!) Baby Shower definitely deserves a mention with all those comments even though it was giveaway related.  How fun was that?!?

The post that was hardest to write?  Oy, that would probably have to be
Me.  Being Real.

Happy end of 2013, friends!

Linking up this mutant version with all three - Sarah, Dwija, and Pam!  Click on over to their places for those who are probably much much better at following all the rules...

***P.S.  Tomorrow is the last day of our Images of Mary link-up!  Just a reminder if you were hoping to participate and also please click on over to see the lovely posts that people have written!  Thank you to all those who participated.  It's been an absolute pleasure seeing your selections and reading your posts.***


  1. Love them all, though my fav is the close up of your boy's eyes, gorgeous. Off to read a few posts I missed first time round

  2. I love the picture of skipping rocks. Wonderful!

    1. Definitely one of my favorites from the year :) Thanks, Natalie!

  3. Your kids are cute, but I love those eggs. So pretty. And the boys skipping rocks. And the sunflowers. And the fact that you linked up all these lovely posts to explore. Thanks!

  4. My Lizzy just said "I wish I lived in that house!!!" So good job on that photo for SURE :)

    1. Our house is definitely prettiest in fall! The trillions of leaves cover the mud :)

  5. I'm going to have a hard time closing this window because I want to click on everything. Hi from Minnesota! We "met" when I joined in on Sarah's baby shower, I think. Am leaving a comment this morning because--Hello!--how rude to spend so much time here over coffee and not tell you that I enjoyed myself.

    Also? That flower photo. And that pic of the kids in their bibs. And that house--is it yours?! LOVED the photos; loved ALL the photos.

    1. Thanks, Margaret! And welcome! I'll join you in a virtual cup :)


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