{pretty, happy, funny, real} - volume 1

I'm going to be the awkward new kid in school and attempt to link up with the Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real gang over at Like Mother, Like Daughter.  Such a great way to find joy in the little gifts we are given every day...


Chinese Lanterns...these are one of my fall favorites!  I was driving home last week and someone was selling bunches of them in front of their house.  I love how they look.  When we lived out of state, I couldn't find them anywhere.  All they had were these similar flowers called hanging pumpkins or something like that.  They weren't the same.  They didn't hang nicely and they would go bad.  Since these are partially dried, they last so much longer and add so much dimension to a decorative display.  Oh, and the gourds?  We grew :)  That makes me...


But what makes me even happier than homegrown gourds is these two little ones getting along!  They have been driving this mama batty the last few weeks with bickering and have had such a hard time playing nicely together.  Part of it is me, I know.  Part of it is just too very different personalities mixed in with normal (and insanity-inducing) toddler behavior.


I love seeing this little guy act silly :)


That?  It's our pumpkin patch.  We planted row after row of different pumpkins.  All sorts of varieties in nice even rows of newly tilled soil.  And that sad little green pumpkin is all that grew.  The squash bugs completely devastated my little dream of an awesome pumpkin patch in the yard.  And then the newly tilled soil?  That turned into a massive weed patch as pulling weeds took a backseat to pregnancy exhaustion, tending the boys, and tackling the Baby List.  I won't even dare show you a shot of the entire plot because it is just too awful to look at.  But we did get a bunch of spaghetti and acorn squash (and the gourds!) so those have become our unique little outside fall display in lieu of pumpkins.

You can check out the rest of the {phfr} gang over HERE!


  1. One pumpkin is still pretty exciting, if you ask me! Your boys are so cute, and your dining room looks so pretty! I love those Chinese lanterns, too.
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. The Chinese Lanterns are gorgeous! Wow! Our pumpkins did not do well this year either, and my husband is a farmer!

  3. I love, love, love Chinese lanterns! I try to find them each year, too, and have had to console myself with a few sprigs of the fake variety. Better than nothin' I guess...

    We tried to grow pumpkins one year...that didn't work too well. Something kept getting them, but I can't remember now what it was. You're lucky you got the gourds!

    Enjoyed your photos and welcome!

  4. You know what? Our best pumpkins grow right out of the compost! Every year!

    Great post!

  5. I'm so sorry about your pumpkin patch! It was just a horrible year for some veggies. My one watermelon grew to the size of a small tomato. :-(

    And I love Chinese lanterns! Those would make an awesome nature study.


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