Outside My Window: Rain. More rain. And the yard is flooded. Again. This time there is a pond in our front yard as well and I just saw a duck swimming in it. Our basement has been flooding but as long as we keep the pump on going out the window it doesn't get too bad. But I'm so tired of the mud-yard.
I am Listening to: The hum of the monitor and some creaking and thudding as the boys wake from sleep
I am Grateful for: Feeling more and more nauseous which is bad-good. And exhausted. I am grateful because it gives me some peace of mind that the baby is okay. Such a mixed bag, though...because I'm already missing that burst of productive energy I had when we first found out and feeling so not like myself. But it's good and it will pass and if it means the baby is okay, we'll do it.
I am Pondering: Always pondering. I don't know if I have a specific quote to share but I've been thinking again about how my life often reflects the liturgical year. All is grace but I'm sure some of it has to do with the awareness of the Liturgy and the intentional living of the communal observance.
I am Reading: Still working on Interior Castle. I can only read so much each morning. It's getting more dense and pretty specific about St. Teresa's own spiritual journey. I'm not sure how much is supposed to apply to every person, especially a lay wife and mother, but I'm sure it is still good for me to read. I'm looking to find something good for our upcoming vacation. Hoping to supplement my woeful knowledge of classic literature but with a choice that is suitable for vacation reading...hmmm...
I am Thinking: Making lists and trying to make the best use of the times when I feel okay. So much on the plate the next few weeks...Holy Week, Easter, vacation, David's birthday...
I am Creating: I'm still working on John Paul's sweater and it is coming along. Soon, I'll begin with the sleeves and we'll see how that goes. I'm looking to make a gift for David for his birthday. I was hoping to paint some wooden peg people as either our family or patron saints but I don't know if I'll get to it in time. Otherwise I may paint some wooden eggs to put in a basket for our play kitchen upstairs. I think he'll like that.
Oh, and I am so happy with the way our icon wall is turning out! I'm working on getting icons of our family's patron saints framed and into our library chapel room (that's what we call it...a fancy word for what used to be the front room). I'm almost done but am waiting for some more to arrive in the mail. And it will be a work in progress as we add more. I really like it!
I am Teaching: The past few weeks we've been just covering the basics. Math, Latin, history, reading. Of course, that's more my style and how I work anyway. All the 'extras' we are learning all the time all day long. Lately I've realized I need to do some more teaching on virtue and discipline myself to help the boys get back on track with their own discipline.
Towards Truth, Beauty, and Goodness: Oh, my icon wall! And attempting to entrust this pregnancy and baby to the Lord through our Lady. Working on offering up the discomfort and pains...I am so not good at that. Lord, help me to avoid complaining, even to myself, and be mindful that every moment, whether joy or pain, I can offer to you.
Living the Liturgy: Holy Week Plans - Tomorrow we'll head out to the evening Mass of the Last Supper. Our pastor asked if Brian, John Paul, and Michael could come up for the rite of foot washing! They are very excited. And my job is to make sure some toenails are properly clipped. Good Friday will be a solemn day of penance and cleaning as is our custom and we will attend the 3 p.m. service. Holy Saturday will entail preparing for Sunday...I will attempt some egg coloring with natural dyes with the boys and possibly make Resurrection cookies if I have the energy and time.
Around the House: Tomato and pepper seeds are planted and starting to sprout. I'm tired already thinking about planting and tending the rest of the garden! Oh, and Brian built some clothesline posts for me! It's been too wet to put them up, not to mention not nearly warm enough to hang laundry, but I'm excited to get them up and can't wait to use them!
One of my Favorite Things: Holy Thursday. And the way the boys play Sorry! with me even when they don't feel like it :)
A Picture Thought:
Our front pond where the ducks swim
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