May He Be Yours This Christmas

From our family to yours, an amazing, blessed, wonderful Christmas.  May you know the Love who came to give Himself for you this Christmas and always.  God is here, let us rejoice.

I'm truly grateful for every person who reads the words I put here and have shared themselves back.  May God richly bless you and yours this Christmas season. 


  1. Merry Christmas Mary. I've been a quiet reader for 3 years, and just wanted to let you know that you've been a blessing to me this past year. Melanie

  2. A beautiful family photo! A blessed Christmas season to you and your family too!

  3. Ummmmmmm. Amazing. Amazed. Amaze. Your hubby is so awesome, and I'm SO HAPPY for your boys. My husband built a work bench and a sewing table in the garage, and then he pulled out the chess table and the trampoline and set up a music station too. It was all stuff we had around, for the most part, but it turned out awesome and the kids are out there all the time now!

    1. Ha, I think this was supposed to go on my next post ;) I love the idea of having a new space for them! That sounds so fun!

  4. Merry Christmas Mary, Brian and boys. Wishing you all of His Blessings. xxxxxxx


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