Why Our Babies Aren't Angels…And Why It Matters


  1. Mary ~ Thank you for developing the theological thread that I needed. A friend and pastor sent me this link. I had a disagreement with a family who recently lost there baby after the mass that the deacon had preached that they had an angel in heaven. It scratched all of the nerves in my body to have to listen to him say this over and over. I too lost my sweet Henry in February so the pain is raw but I knew the truth was real. It is helpful to feel empowered to say something, where appropriate. The teaching of having a saint in heaven is SO beautiful and SO needed. Thank you and God Blessings!

    1. I'm so so sorry for your loss, Lisa. It really is such a tricky and sensitive subject, understandably! I wish more clergy were clear in this beautiful truth that we become saints in heaven...it would clear up a lot of the confusion and give greater hope and consolation to those that are grieving.

  2. Mary thank you for explaining all of this. And yes, angels are different form of creation, babies can never become angel. However, people use this term to let parents know that their dead babies are having a good time in heaven. But your point is accurate, babies can never become angel.


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