Real quick, this is how it looked before we moved in:
And then shortly after:
We pictured it being a school room. But then real life happened and we never ever did school in there because it was cold and ugly so it became the room where we put stuff.
And now? Now it's our first floor laundry room! (I feel f-a-n-c-y saying that.) Wanna see?
Wait. Close your eyes and then open them for the suspense or something. It'll make me happy.
Okay. Ready?

I think we can officially call it done. I am thrilled with how it turned out and it has been a huge blessing to have the laundry now on the first floor and so so accessible. The transformation is huge from the room it was to the room it now is.
We were able to do the whole thing for about $200.
I love my basket storage! (Hey look! Real dirty laundry!) And the new counter space has been awesome.
(Even if my not aesthetically pleasing printer has to be there, too :)
Brian did all of this. Because he's the best. I design and he builds and how's that for a good thing? (He also moved the washer and dryer up the stairs himself. Because he is also insane.) I haven't decided what, if anything, I'll put on the empty walls.
We considered cabinets but didn't want to mess with building doors. Putting in little curtains was probably the simplest sewing project I've ever done, saved a load of money, and I love how they look. I used a drop cloth for the fabric. (Just like I did with the window seat cushions and pillows.)
And best of all, the bottom two cubbies hide the cat's food and litter box! Which means they are hidden from view and toddler hands!
Oooor not...
But he's been in a stage where he loves helping feed Maggie so it's cute. And he hasn't touched the litter box once and he used to be obsessed with it so we win.
The counter is made from simple cheap pine boards. Brian cut them to size, installed, and sanded and I got the fun of staining and sealing. I would love to have used real reclaimed barn wood but our old chicken coop wood was too rotted and Brian the killjoy says apparently we can't use rotted wood for a countertop.
Anyway, I love how it turned out.
We actually put in carpeting for the first time in our lives. Usually we're ripping it out like mad people. A lovely wood would have been nice but there was no salvaging the floor underneath and the many many layers of old flooring. We considered vinyl but that room is quite cold being right next to the mudroom and we thought carpeting might help warm it up. Besides, this is a much better dirt hider than a vinyl floor would be and because that door goes to the mudroom, this room sees a lot of it. (Mopping. Ugh.) So a very cheap utility carpet it is. (Psst...we didn't even tack it down so that if it does get gross we can replace it super easily.)
I don't know if I love or hate myself for this light. Really. It looked much better in my head but now I think it's way too kitschy. I thought I was all creative thinking it up but Trying to hard? What do you think?
Extra shots for fun...
Perfect spot for canning jar storage
This old cabinet was left here by the previous owners. For some reason the green paint on the left door is showing much brighter than it is in real life. It's a perfect spot to hide the laundry soaps and lightbulbs (Team incandescent forever!!!!) and all the other laundry storage. (And more canning jar storage on top!). We debated open shelves but decided to use what we had.
The Ikea hutch that we've had forever. I thought about getting rid of it (there's a neat built in cabinet in the wall that it's hiding) but this is where all of our school and craft supplies reside and even after paring it down as much as I could, there was just not enough room for the stuff anywhere else.
Behind the scenes time!
The day we decided to take out the last remaining wallpaper in the house. I should've held a ceremony.
A study in night time photography and patient fatherhood
So many helpers. And despite his blurred, distressed looking face, he really was and is super patient :)
Making the kitsch light.
The end.
I just love it, Mary! It turned out so nicely. (Can a laundry room be your favorite room in a house?? Well, it can at least make doing the laundry more enjoyable!)
ReplyDeleteIt looks great! So much bigger (ours doesn't really even have room for a laundry basket) and way nicer the the laundry room we have. I bet you're really enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteI love it! It looks amazing, and I can't believe how thrifty you guys were able to keep it. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing! It turned out so well...and I can't believe it cost just $200. And, I can well imagine how having a laundry room on the main floor would make things SO MUCH EASIER!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing - good job Brian!! (and good job for dreaming it up). I love your idea of majon jar storage - might steal that one right now. Although I don't have as many jars. But I like the way they look all lined up on top of the cabinets. I really want to spruce up our laundry room, but it's so tiny to begin with. I wish I had counters over the tops of my machines. What I really want to do is paint the cabinets white and add a pretty rug to the floor.
ReplyDeleteI love the laundry room. I envy you not having to go up and down the stairs with loads of wash. The light is a cute touch and goes well with the wash boards hanging on the wall.
ReplyDeleteWill you store the jars in the same places when they are filled with all your canning next fall? Where did you move the freezer?
The freezer is where the washer and dryer used to be which makes five thousand times more sense. And not sure about the jars. Probably? I just need to keep the stool in there, though, because I can't reach them without it :)
DeleteI love the kitschy light!! And may I suggest a print of Mother Mary hanging her laundry while Baby Jesus looks on, for the empty walls should you decide to hang something there? I think the painting I'm thinking of is called the "Polish Madonna" :)
ReplyDeleteOh, that would be a great idea!
Deleteahhhh, i love posts like this. that husband of yours is a keeper ;) the laundry room looks even better in person. you guys did such an awesome job!
ReplyDeleteYou both did a great job! It's beautiful! I love the kitschy light too. I think it ties in with the wash boards nicely.
ReplyDeleteSomehow I knew it was going to become white;) how did I know that? lol. Love it, totally love it, really like the curtains they suit the style of the room. re the 'lightshade' question, how does it reflect the light? re carpet, is it the sort that can get wet if you have an overflow? looks like it. Very clever husband it its amazing how much this can give us a boost, I know too well. My darlin' and girls made me a massive linen press on the weekend! no more linen cupboard in my dining room:) what a boost, pics if you want to look:)
We are very blessed with our handy husbands! The shelves look great! The light is bright enough. The inside of the bucket is pretty reflective and the room is very small so it does the job.
DeleteOh Mary! I love, love love it! You guys did such a wonderful job, I really like it all! Yay pretty laundry rooms!
ReplyDeleteIt turned out beautiful! I wouldn't mind doing laundry in that room!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! How wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful it is! I showed my husband and he agreed. I think the light is a great touch!
ReplyDeleteThe light was the first thing I loved when I saw the photo. It's great! And the washboards and the canning jars and the cool old cabinet with random green paint. Love it!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I'm sure it makes doing laundry more pleasurable! =)
ReplyDeleteI see you are catholic
Do you really love God?
If ye love me, keep my commandments. -John 14:15
True Sabbath is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, RC changed the Sabbath day and admits it:“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change (Saturday Sabbath to Sunday) was her act… And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things.” H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons. Nov. 11, 1895
How important is to observe the Sabbath
But as for you, speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘You shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you.’Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people.…-Exodus 31:13, 31:14
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Matthew 5:17
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.Matthew 7:21-23
Soooo, I take it you don't like the laundry? ;)
Delete"And he said to them, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath" Mark 2:27
"Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 18:18
But thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day :)