The Devil Hates My Husband (and something I can do about it)

He does.
I'm pretty sure he hates yours, too.
Heck, he hates all of us but my vocation from God Himself is to bring this particular man to heaven.
I have a particular concern for his hatred of this man. 

We always always seem to forget this.  That we are fighting an enemy.  That there really are forces working against us in our battle for holiness.  That there is someone who hates my husband and hates my marriage and would like nothing more than to destroy both.  And therein lies his first victory.

Our men are constantly under assault.  When the scales fall from our eyes we can see it everywhere.  The world, the flesh, the devil are constantly trying to lure them and then when they fall they are the first to scorn them for it.  The devil pays special attention to the vulnerabilities of each person and strikes first at those wounds.  He wants to claim these men we've been given for him.

I admit, I don't always pray for my husband well.  I can nod my head about how important it is but the actually doing of it?  I'm not that great about it.  That's not okay.

So here's what I'm going to do.  St. Joseph's day is nine days from tomorrow.  I'd love for you to join me in a nine day novena for our husbands beginning tomorrow.  Every day beginning tomorrow we'll pray these prayers for our men and offer our Lenten sacrifices for them (and maybe also choose a single man you know who could use it, too!).  Maybe I'll write a post or two related.  Please pray with us.  Our men need it and our Lord longs for us to bring our spouse to Him.  One of the traditional titles of St. Joseph is "Terror of Demons."  How about that for hardcore?  If you are not of the Catholic tradition and are uncomfortable with the prayers to St. Joseph then I still invite you to unite prayers of your own choosing with ours.

I would love to pray for your husband by name if you'd like to leave it in the comments or email me privately (  And if you'd rather not use his name, I'd still love it if you'd let me know you are joining with me in the comments or on my Facebook page.  Let's encourage each other.

We'll be using the novena here.  Be sure to read the devotion for each day (they're long but good!) then the main novena prayer.  

Please share and let's get as many women possible praying for the men the Lord has entrusted to us.
Then let's see how God blesses them and our families because of it.

Update:  I'll get your names written on my current list no matter what but posts and lists for the current novena year can be found here:


  1. You know I will be praying for Greg and ask others to please add him to your list. Thank you Mary!

  2. Yes I will! My husband is John. Thank you so much!

  3. We will be praying. My husband is Ben. Thanks!

  4. Great idea- add us to the list!

  5. I will join forces! My husband is Obadiah.

  6. The littles and I made novena 'counters' last year similar to St Therese's sacrifice beads. We will be praying for Frank and all men, but adding a special prayer for Dads - their job is not easy!

    thank you for the link to this novena - we will definitely be using that this year.


  7. What a wonderful idea! I'll be praying. My husband's name is Chris.

  8. This is such a great idea! I've really been struck lately how much a wife can help her husband through prayer! It could not have come at a better time. Count me in. My husband's name is Daniel. We are also best friends with a couple who just got married in August and I know he could use prayer too (his name is Bruno).

    Very excited to participate! I will be praying!
    - Hannah

  9. I'll be praying too. My husband's name is David.

  10. This is so, so great, Mary. Thank you for the idea and the link to make it easy! I will definitely be joining in and praying for Russ. Thanks again.

  11. AWESOME!!! Totally joining you.. praying for Dan and just shared it on my fb page too.

  12. Great idea. Praying for Andrew.

  13. I do not think I have ever commented, but I love your blog. It is so wonderful to see how much you love Christ, your family, and the world around you. I will be joining y'all. Thank you for writing this!

  14. Once again you blow me away with your insights. I'm not married, but I think it's so important to pray for the men in our lives. I've been praying for my future husband (God-willing he's out there somewhere) since I was about 13 - I will absolutely be praying for all of your husbands.

  15. I will be praying with you. My husbands name is Will.

  16. Thank you! My husband's name is Robert.

  17. I'm joining you. Praying for Jeff, they can all use it!

  18. This is a great idea; I'm going to use it to pray for my boyfriend Joseph :)

  19. So true. What a wonderful idea. I was already planning on praying the novena. My husband's name is John Fredy. Thank you!

  20. Thank you so much I needed this. I love my husband, his name is Brent. Ill be praying for you all of yours too.

  21. Joining! My husband's name is Dan :)

  22. This is great!! I'm so in!! My husband's name is Domenico. I'll be praying along with you all. Thank you so much for posting this, Mary! God bless!

  23. I will join you! This is so awesome :) My husband, Michael and I are just getting over a rough patch after 21 years of marriage.

  24. I'm in. (and fabulous post title, by the way!)

  25. I can't wait to start tomorrow! My husbands name is Mack :)

  26. Sean, please. Thank you for praying. A beautiful idea!

  27. This is awesome! Please include Anthony in your prayers. Thank you!

  28. This is such a beautiful idea and comes at a time of marriage renewal for me and my husband Ryan. Please pray for him and I will be praying the novena along with you.

  29. 1st day done. Let's keep praying for them. My husband's name is Gustavo and we are from Brazil. God bless you all.

  30. Such a beautiful idea! His name is John Paul.

  31. Definitely will be joining you. Please pray for Chris.

  32. Awesome idea, thank you! Please pray for Dave.

  33. I'm in! My husband's name is Sean.

  34. God lead me here for sure...Please pray for my husband Jeff.

  35. Yes, I'm in! Glad I saw it today! Going to start with today's midday prayers, and make a list of all those here, too. My husband has been on my heart, and prayers for him have been increasing so much lately, and I woke up today with a new resolve to pray more for him. I had already found a prayer on EWTN that I had been praying for him! Thank you for helping me "take it up a notch" in fervent and effectual prayer. His name is Erik.

  36. Awesome! My husband's name is Jeff. I will be praying!

  37. Will certainly be praying and have passed on to my friends.

  38. Read this prior to the novena start and I joined. Love the prayerful support and encouragement we are wrapping our husbands with. St. Joseph, pray for us!

  39. I will be praying, my husband's name is Matthew. :)

  40. Thank you for doing this. My husband is Tremayne.

  41. Really grateful for this opportunity to pray for my husband, Reed. Thank you!

  42. I will be joining you. My husband's name is Joe. Thank you!

  43. I'm with you. My husband's name is Bruce.

  44. This is a great idea. Please pray for my husband, David, who has just left me and our four young children. Our youngest is three tomorrow;he has Down Syndrome. My dear husband appears to be having a breakdown but denies that he needs help.
    St Joseph, pray for us, especially our husbands.

    1. Oh, Rachel. I am so so sorry you are going through this. I will be praying in a special way for David. May the Lord shower down His healing grace on him and your whole family during this Lent and through these prayers.

    2. p.s. if you happen to see this and there's any way I can get contact you privately, please let me know.

  45. Mine is Rick as wwll as three grown Sons. Benji, Adrian and Mason. god Bless you

  46. My husband's name is Les. We also have 3 teenage sons: Josh, Eric, and Sam. Someday they will be husbands, or priests! Remember to pray for all sons who are in the "forming" years :) And girls could be praying for the one they don't know yet, who God will bring them.

  47. For my husband, David, please - undiagnosed neurological problems cause us no end of grief, yet he always has time for me and our 5 kids, plus the kids he ministers to as a Cub Scout leader and a CCD teacher.

  48. For my husband, Jesse. And I will be praying for your husbands as well, Ladies.

  49. Ack!!! I'm late!! Please add my husband Terry. Thank you!!

  50. I started the novena on the proper day, but didn't comment - please pray for my husband, Patrick. Thank you!

  51. Thank you. Please pray for Chip.

  52. I'm in! My husband's name is Jonathan.

  53. This is wonderful! My husband's name is Dave.

  54. I'm on board, my hubby's name is Mike.

  55. I'm praying along through Pray More Novenas! My husband is Gavin.

  56. Hi Mary, First time reading your blog - I came across it through Mama Needs Coffee. Love this idea!! I'll be praying along with Pray More Novenas. My husband's name is Mark.

  57. Great idea. I will be joining in on the novena a day late, but still joining. Please pray for Dean (dad) and Nolan (brother). Both are in need of prayers at the moment! Thank you!

    1. Not late, we're starting day one today! Thanks for joining in!

  58. I love this so much and will join in. My husband is Merrith. Please also add my brother, Adam, brother-in-law, Tim, and Carly's future husband, yet to be known. And my Dad, Bruce! Thanks so much.

  59. Yes I will pray!! My husbands name is Guillermo!! Thank you!


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