Oh, You Were Hoping For Another Rodent Post?

Well, I aim to please.

On Sunday, this happened:

Not another flying squirrel.*  A mouse that was found scrounging in Maggie's food bag in the mudroom.

And evidence why I haven't bothered planning science in years:

John Paul immediately began building.  I had flashbacks to my brother helping me construct a maze for my pet rat (mouse? hamster?  I can't remember which critter of many that it was.) for the school science fair. 

Luke woke from his nap and decided that he would help by pouring out its water and then letting it out of the maze.  We caught it easily.  The poor thing was slow and likely stuffed from all the food the boys were offering.

It eventually made it through to the sound of great rejoicing.

*Although we learned this wonderful fact the other day after hearing more nighttime noises and it's proving true:  "Flying squirrels, unlike their earthbound cousins, are nocturnal, they are also extremely sociable and love to live in a colony – which means if you have one flying squirrel you most likely have a lot more."  And, yep.  We do.  Seriously, historical home PLUS infestation of endangered rodent?  People should be paying us to live here.  Stay tuned for more riveting rodent tales from the Better Than Eden household.  


  1. haha! i love it how calm you guys are about this! holy cow, you even made him an intellectually stimulating maze and gave him water and food! hey, if you can't beat 'em, you mine as well enjoy them! plus those flying squirrels are super cute! what did you end up doing with this guy?

    1. Brian let him outside later that evening likely to find his way right back in... I can handle the cute pests, although the squirrels waking us up is getting rather old. Spiders and bats are a whoooole different story.

  2. AAAAHHHHH!! If we ever meet, it will have to be at a certified rodent-free location :)

  3. Oh no, you did not!! A maze??? Awesome.

  4. Ok, you are officially the Coolest Mama Ever! Whose kids would even think of building a captured mouse a real maze, let alone...what mother would actually let them do it? In the living room?!

  5. MORE FLYING SQUIRRELS!! Seriously!! Seriously!! Love the maze!

  6. Kudos to you for letting the mouse run through a maze...maybe it was traumatized enough by all the human attention that it decided NOT to return to the house after being let go.

    I can't wait for another chapter in the flying squirrels book....

  7. Oh, this is great! You'd think you were homeschoolers or something! So cool that you made a maze, and my daughter says it's so cool that you you have flying squirrels!

  8. I love that your kids built a maze for it! We don't get mice but I would totally encourage this if we did. Ask your boys how they would entertain bats....just curious.

    1. My husband entertains them with a baseball bat. I play hide and seek...


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