Daybook for a February Afternoon

Also known as:  I want to post something but it's February and everything is blah and I don't know what to post so Hey!  I'll do a daybook!

Outside my window...
Snowy and cold.  But sunny.  Which should make me happy but instead I'm grumpy because it highlights every bit of dust and grime this old house attracts.  Debbie Downer, right?  I'm not really ready for spring yet, though.  So hard to please, I am.

Thankful for...
How hard my husband works.  Before we were married and were a datin' I remember telling him that when we had children I would stay at home with them and raise them.  It was a sort of a non-negotiable (obviously barring crazy unforeseen circumstances).  He didn't really get it then and thought I was a bit ridiculous but he acquiesced.  He has worked so hard and so many long hours ever since to make sure that happens.  He sees how important it is now and would never want it otherwise.  It's required a lot of sacrifices, though I hesitate to call them that because it's just normal to us.  For several years our grocery budget was two hundred dollars a month and the only new clothes we got were from Goodwill or as gifts.  But you know what?  There was no question it was worth it.  I'm so very grateful that with God's help we've been able to make that happen.  It's a team effort.  He brings in the money and I'm the resident cheapskate.  

Thinking about...
Oh my goodness.  My mind just feels like mush lately.  Combination February and lack of sleep and possibly those spray paint fumes that are an ongoing part of my kitchen project.  

"I actually like writing now!" - John Paul
Thank you Sarah for introducing me to IEW.  John Paul thinks Mr. Pudewa is just the most hysterically funny person ever :)
At this very moment he is working on writing a book. 
Michael is doing wonderfully with math and things are clicking.  Reading is still evaded, though I know he can do more than he lets on.
Looking a bit more into Classically Catholic Memory.  I wonder if just buying the CDs would be worth it?

From the kitchen...
I mentioned something about going gluten-free for Lent and I'm still toying with the idea and figuring out what I can make that will please the crowd.  But I still may scrap the idea if I get too scared.

A new to us kitchen.  It's taking a lot of my time but it's a good winter project and oh, the difference!  

To go on a date with my favorite five, excuse me, five and three quarters year old.  A trip to Sears, Michael's, Panera, and maybe even Aldi's because I am not above taking advantage of a date night to get a few errands done.  

To hopefully come home from that and watch me some Downton when the littles are all in bed.

To be coming down with a serious case of cabin fever.  (Cue Muppet conga line.)

To get used to our new mattress (oh my goodness, this is the boringest daybook EVER.)  
We got one of those memory foam mattresses custom made from our mattress guy (what?  You don't have a mattress guy?).  It's weird!  I think I like it but I could just be telling myself that, I'm not sure.  At least I'm not in pain at night so that's a win.  Just stiff in the morning because you sort of sink in and don't move much when you're sleeping.  It's almost too still or something.  And it's really quiet.  Which is also weird.  It like absorbs the sound in the room or something crazy.  

How to put a decade old mattress out by the curb for the garbage without feeling violated.
Why God didn't have us grow an extra appendage with every pregnancy.  (Preferably an arm.)  It would certainly be more useful than the belly skin or the varicose veins, amiright?
(This daybook is on crack.)

Just finished my last book and will either be starting Father Elijah by Michael O'Brien or David of Jerusalem by Louis De Wohl.  Oh, and have to begin rereading Mulieris Dignitatum because a few friends and I are going to try and have deep and edifying conversation.  With wine as a reward for our efforts.
With the boys we're still working on the three I mentioned previously.  Though I think I'll have to put the kibosh (who knew that's how you spell that word?) on The Peterkin Papers.  Just can't take it anymore.

For the conversion of those who work in the abortion industry.
For Sarah and her babies.  And a few other friends with a little one in the womb including the newly (and so sweetly) announced Mary!
That those of us in the Church have the fortitude to stand against whatever is coming down the line in this country without compromising the Faith or our souls.

The boys chattering as they play at the table.  Luke's monitor as he naps.  The bedlam generally begins after nap time.

Around the house...
The window candles came down after Candlemas and the wreaths came down a few days before because they were losing bows and falling off the windows and our house totally looked like Christmas with a hangover.  Now there's a few Valentine decorations and next week the Lentifying will begin.

A few of my favorite things... 
Reading with the boys.
Waking before the rest of the house for prayer and coffee.  Necessary.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Not a whole lot outside the house.  Inside I'm working on the kitchen and raising four boys.  And that is more than enough.  

A picture video thought to share...

Enjoy your Tuesday, friends!


  1. Oh my goodness....Sydney is writing a book right now, too! It's a chapter book, and it's the first of 5 in the series. Those two are so much alike.

    It took me a while to get used to our memory foam mattress, but I love it now. The best part is how quiet it is - I don't wake up at all when Kevin gets up or turns or anything.

  2. Cute cute cute video. And I'm glad you like IEW! And I bet my house is dirtier than yours. :P

  3. Father Elijah was one of my favorite books! I should re-read it! In other news, thanks for the prayers! This morning, I woke up and didn't throw up! That is progress!!!!

  4. Fr Elijah is also one of my fav books! Pick that, pick that!

    1. I already started the other one but I borrowed both from a friend who won't need them back so I'll definitely read it! I read it a long time ago but I don't remember much except that I liked it!
