Yarn Along 1/30/13

Last night I finished the female companion to my baby boy striped hat.  I was knitting it up in the lacey newborn hat pattern but it just wasn't looking right.  So I pulled it out and began again, this time using the Pixy Hat pattern I used for my boy version but with the ruffled edge.  It looks super sweet and I'm looking forward to gifting it to some baby girl some day, if it doesn't get used with my current client!  Not sure what to begin next...

And reading?  Oh, we are reading.  Thanks to some extra motivation from Sarah's Read Aloud Revival, we've got a nice little stack going.  We are working our way through the stories in The Complete Peterkin Papers.  The boys have been asking for it, though I'm not sure I really care for it that much.  It's too much of a National Lampoon type of read.  You know, where things go wrong and that's the entertainment?  I never understood that stuff.  I am WAY too type A, aren't I?  Or just female.  Maybe it's a boy thing...though this was written by a woman.  I don't know but I just never got it.  I suppose I'll hold my nose and power through for the boys' sake, being the sacrificial mother I am.  Or I'll just distract them with something else when I can't take anymore.  Also an option.  

John Paul and I started the fourth book of The Mistmantle Chronicles.  I'm so glad my sister-in-law recommended these books.  They are wonderful.  Definitely intense but I'm enjoying them just as much as John Paul and there are so many gems and much wisdom in them.  It's a great series for those who are turned off by much of modern youth literature that seeks to blur the distinction between good and evil, right and wrong.  These don't do that but also don't fall into the trap of being too obvious or over simplified.  I decided to revisit Little House in the Big Woods with Michael (often with John Paul and David slowly snuggling in as well).  I'm hoping to read the whole series with him in the next few months.  It's good for both of us.  I'm slowly making my way through From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels.  I can't say it's really my thing but it's entertaining and I'll likely still finish it.

I'm loving how well the boys have taken to read alouds.  We've always read to them but the more I really make it intentional, the more I see the fruit of it.  Not only does it force me to sit and really enjoy them, but they retain so very much of it.  I'm hoping to integrate audio learning a lot more into our learning plans for next year.  Lately they've been listening to the Truth and Life Audio Bible as they play with their Legos and they LOVE it.  It is incredibly well done and oh my heart...to hear my five year old ask to listen to the Bible?  Priceless.  In the car we've been listening to The Horse and His Boy from the library.

Head on over to the lovely Ginny to see what others are working on!

P.S.  Voting is still going on over at the Sheenazing Awards until Thursday, if you care to click over and vote for me!  Thank you so much!


  1. Yay for Little House! That's one of my personal favorites! We have "My First Little House" books for my 5 year old and she loves them. I have offered to read aloud the chapter book version (mine from when I was a kid) with her and she declines - someday, I hope! Love the stripey hat!

  2. I'll have to remember The Mismantle Chronicles to read with my son (6.) We're reading the Chronicles of Narnia right now but are stuck on The Horse and His Boy. It's hard to make time for it with school all day - we were doing much better with it during the summer and Christmas break. I've really been enjoying your blog. Someone in our NFP group on FB shared a link to your post about miscarriages. My hubby and I have five babies up in heaven due to early miscarriages. Anyway, just thought I'd say Hi! I blog at http://www.tryingtoletgoandletgod.blogspot.com/ Blessings!

    1. Thank you for saying hi! Mistmantle is a lot like Narnia, except with forest animals. There are some more intense topics, though, so we waited until he was older. I'm so so sorry about your losses. I can't imagine going through that again, let alone four more times. God bless you and looking forward to checking out your blog!


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