Ten Months

Wow.  You are all just awesome.  I really didn't mean to get all introspective and emotional yesterday and really didn't plan on posting that.  I opened the page just meaning to write a simple little post to remind others to remember those who have lost babies.  And then all that just sort of spilled out.  I am humbled and slightly embarrassed but so moved by everyone's love.  To be honest I feel kind of silly posting such raw emotion when it's been over five years since Joseph Mary died and there are so many others that also grieve...but I suppose that was part of my point.  So I'm going to try not to apologize and just say thank you.  I know my pain is nothing unique but at the same time it is still valid and real.  And so I'm grateful that people understand and get it and we can hopefully spread that to others who are hurting.  Thank you.

(Deep breath)


His vest is the Milo Vest I knit for him using Madeline Tosh yarn in Violin.  If I remember correctly, my brother said it makes him look like a peasant child.  But he's a happy peasant so we're all good.


  1. These pictures are adorable! Thanks for your honesty yesterday!

  2. Really cute!!! I love reading your posts and viewing the pictures you put up here Mary! :)

  3. Oh my goodness - he is sooo cute! I love them all, but especially the one where he's eating the straw.

  4. Cutest little peasant I've ever seen!

  5. I with your mom. And the vest is a perfect color for fall pictures. He is such a cutie. Squeeze him for me.
    Grandma & Grumpy

  6. Ha! Ha! The one with the straw close to his mouth really DOES make him look like a farmer/peasant ...albeit a very adorable one. ;-)

  7. Mary, you are a great Mom. Who is that little one?

    1. Hi Fr. Mark! That's our Luke Emmanuel...he was born last December making it four boys for us :)


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