New Year Daybook

I've been a lazy blogger lately.  No real reason except that we've been Christmasing and the times I have in front of the computer are usually found while nursing.  Typing with one hand gets so very old.  I wrote 'blog' on my to-do list for the day hoping that it would force me to sit and write for a little bit.  I also wrote 'dinner' on there.  We're in that mode now where normal every day tasks get a spot on the to-do list so that I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off...and so that I remember to do them.  I should add eat and use the bathroom on there.  Man, I would feel so accomplished.

How about a daybook to get me back in the bloggy mood...
Outside my window...
Finally SNOW!  We had a green Christmas and haven't seen snow until yesterday.  The grass is still visible but the snow is there.  And it is COLD today.

Thankful for...
Being tucked inside all warm and snug.  I was starting to get a little bit of cabin fever last week but with Brian home over the weekend we were able to get out a bit.  It was nice and Luke is a dream baby.  Pretty much every time we've been out, he's slept the whole time. 

Thinking about...
Just sort of avoiding the idea that we will need to re-enter the routine next week.  And planning for Luke's Baptism which will be this Sunday! 

No lessons during Christmas :)  The neighbor kids went back to school today and I had flashbacks to my youth of waiting in my school uniform skirt in the frigid cold for the bus to arrive.   *Shudder*

From the kitchen...
Way too many sweets and not enough vegetables.  That is why God became incarnate, right?  To save us from the vegetables.

Memories and hopefully good ones for the boys to hold.  But I am itching to knit something...not sure what yet.   Brian and I enjoyed a movie last night but I was going a bit crazy just sitting there with nothing in my hands to work on. 

Working on...
Letting go.  And on Luke's birth story.  It's in progress.  I've had little snippets of time to work on it so it's slow going but it will happen and I will share it :)

I am going...
This week is another quiet one but we have our homeschool group's Epiphany play this Saturday so we'll be practicing for that on Friday. 

That our fridge is fixed this week.  Still broken going over three weeks now.  Had to have a test run per the manufacturer's warranty requirements.  Then had to wait for the results of the test.  Then have to wait for the holidays to be over to order the part.  Now waiting for the call that the part is in and they can schedule a time to get this thing working again.  I have been very patient (surprisingly) but it is getting very very old.  Thankfully, the weather got colder again so our porch coolers are working well.  And Brian brought home his dorm-size fridge from work so that has kept us going okay. 

Nothing at the moment.  A friend let me know about this site, What Should I Read Next?  I'm hoping it'll guide me to some good books because I'm not the type that can just pick something.  I need a recommendation or previous good experience with an author to help me make the decision.  Had a discussion the other night about how I've been wanting to read more of the classics but don't know where to start.  Thoughts welcome!

For another new baby nephew born over the weekend!  For Luke as we ready for his Baptism in Christ.  And for a young man in our community recently diagnosed with late stage cancer.  May God grant him healing and peace. 

Josh Groban singing me some Christmas.  And Luke napping in the library.  I don't know what to call the noise he makes when he's in a light sleep and trying to get comfortable.  Sort of a grunt mixed with a heavy breathing?  I got to hear much of last night and decided he kind of sounds like a horse. 

Around the house...
Not one project happening at the moment.  Christmas decorations are still up and will come down next week sometime.  Then maybe in a few weeks I'll start entertaining the idea of more projects :)

One of my favorite things...
Is it really pathetic if I say gingerbread cookies?  They turned out really well this year :)  And coffee.  I gave up coffee while pregnant and have been so enjoying it again.  I'm so sensitive to caffeine, though, so I've been mixing 1 scoop of regular with 4 decaf (So 20% caffeinated) and it's enough for me. 

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Epiphany play and Baptism and that is just enough.

A (few) picture thought(s) to share...

Ice Cream Dinner...a Christmas tradition :)

But this is what we've spent most of our Christmas gazing :)  I can't get over how the boys, and especially Michael, have fallen in love with their baby brother. 


  1. Gosh, your boys are so adorable! I love how they love their new brother.

    I'm reading a new book on my kindle called "Guilt Free Motherhood: Parenting with Godly Wisdom" and so far I really like it. It's by Julianna Slattery. She's a Christian psychologist, so not Catholic. I'm hoping it's not too far off base, but I do like the idea of trying to discern the difference between healthy guilt and unhealthy guilt.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas! LOVE Josh Groban!

  2. Hey Mary! I'm so happy to have seen a new blog post, I'm secretly addicted to your blog! It's so cute :) does your giving up coffee during your pregnancy have something to do with it being unhealthy for the baby? I dont know much about coffee during pregnancy and have yet to give it up, mainly b/c I'm SO tired all the time. I have only about 1/2 -3/4 cup a day and literally nurse it for the morning. Would love to hear your thoughts on coffee in pregnancy and while nursing :)

  3. Aw, thank you both! Becky, I gave up caffeine (both coffee and chocolate) while pregnant more because I was having horrible insomnia and I wanted to make sure I wasn't worsening it with the caffeine. BUT I did also want to see if it would help with having a calmer, more content baby! I wonder if certain body types are just more sensitive to anything that they ingest and how they process it. If I have even a 1/4 glass of wine, I don't sleep well that night. It's kind of a bummer :) I wish I understood more about the biology behind what gets through to the baby in utero and through breastmilk. It seems like you can't find a straight answer and it's more anecdotal than anything. I was sort of experimenting with the no coffee and drinking raw milk (for the good bacteria) while pregnant to see if it would help baby be more content...though I'm not ready to say if I think it worked or not yet :)


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