So we told the boys the other night that we are most definitely welcoming a new little one into our family! Now that they are old enough, I wanted to do something special to let them in on our secret. So...I wrote out a treasure hunt for them to complete. David was a bit young to get it but the older two had a great time on their hunt! We got most of their hunt on video so there aren't any pictures of them on the actual hunt but here's a little peek into what I did!
The Instructions and First Clue:
Some More Hidden Clues:

John Paul began to figure it out while reading the last clue and they were all thrilled that Mama has a new baby in her womb. As Michael said, "A baby is the BEST treasure of ALL!" Within 10 minutes of finding out, John Paul had his knitting needles out and was working on a hat for the baby. David had fun reminding us that he is still the baby for now...
Afterwards we had a little celebration dinner, which for our high standards meant homemade stromboli eaten in the living room. A wonderfully blessed day and I'm so glad I was able to make the announcement memorable for the boys. They have already been kissing the baby and blessing the little one with holy water every night. This baby is truly blessed to have so many doting big brothers already!
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